FC Vardar had financial problems long ago, but they are not the only one.
Now, when there are two offers for sponsoring, from the petrolean giant
"Makpetrol" from Skopje and "UFA - Media" from Hamburg, came to major
disagreements; the temporary administrative commitee gave unanimous support to
"Makpetrol" six days before they got the official offer; from onother side the
fan group "Komiti" interupted the council trough their spokesman, they want
"UFA - Media" to be the sponsor and return the director's place to Darko Pancev;
also nobody talked to "Kometal", on which FC Vardar owes arond 600.000 DM. In
this situation the president of the club Risto Penov anonunced his resignation. The
council of the club will be reconvoke on 09.01.1999.But for FC Vardar, after all,
is good because both and "Makpetrol" and "UFA - Media" are staying in
the game and don't run from the investing in the club.